Building Companies That Aspire To Benefit Everyone
The mission of Purpose Talent is to connect people to work that matters. I’ll be sharing some more details on the services we offer to help bring that mission to life, but I first wanted to contextualize the statement. I’ll start with the types of clients we hope to partner with.
Our focus is helping mission-driven companies who have committed to creating products, services and operating practices that benefit all of their stakeholders, including their customers, employees and the environment.
This isn’t a new or radical idea. Stakeholder Capitalism has been around for decades. There has, however, been a renewed energy over the last ~10 years around the idea of building a business that is committed to more than just maximizing shareholder value (or, just making tons of money). Some of these commitments are more important now than they were in the 1950’s, with climate change and growing wealth inequality. Companies are fulfilling those commitments to varying degrees, and there is no industry agnostic playbook for how to do it, but it’s a choice that more leaders have been making recently.
Choice is an important thing to highlight. While there are obvious PR and marketing implications of saying you are going to do something “good for the world” in 2020, actually living up to that commitment is an everyday choice. For leaders and their teams, it can become part of a culture and be celebrated.
The easier route for a lot of people may be to use a cheaper vendor that creates a ton of waste because it’ll help raise their margins, or to take on a client that has a reputation for treating their employees unfairly but will pay you a huge fee. There are countless systemic incentives for people to make the choice of more money, but more & more people are rightfully questioning themselves and going in another direction. Many of them are building profitable and sustainable businesses because of these decisions, which is great news.
I’m hopeful that if more businesses made these choices, we could build an economy that works better for everyone. In order for that to happen, though, these companies need to hire incredibly talented people who want to fight for that future.
Many of the organizations who are making this choice are competing with companies who have not. They are in some ways fighting with one hand behind their back. That’s starting to change and we’re hoping to contribute to their success by helping them hire exceptional people. That was the choice I made for Purpose Talent and one that I’ll continue to make.
Next week I’ll be sharing more information about why I named the business Purpose Talent and why purpose is the most important thing to look for when hiring someone.
-Andrew Blancato, Founder & CEO of Purpose Talent